Saturday, January 7, 2012


right im going to give out fake names right ive liked this guy like forever lets call im fred, and he's been in 'love' with me before, i told mee friend, lets call her betty, that i liked him and then she starts liking him. he asks me out loads and loads but i keeep turning him down cos i dont want a proper boyfriend atm cos my last boyfriend used me, but i say we can act like it if tht makes sence? Anyway, he asks betty out and she says yes knowing i like him, but then my other friend, lets call her 'Jean' '' starts liking the guy betty used to like befour going out with fred lets call him bob. And betty says to jean, you better not go out with bob otherwaise i'll fall out with you. but betty goes out with fred so whys she moaning right? Anyways, fred finishes with betty for about a week and a half and then gets back with her, but whist going out with betty he flirts like fcuk with me. I mean, loads. And he gets jelous if i talk to other boys and that. he puts kisses to me on msn and he doesnt with anyother girls, we also flirt with our eyes. if you know what eye flirting is. I'm 14 almost 15 and i really dont know whats going on in his head. does he like me? Does Betty really like him? Is he using me? Whats going on. Help pleee! MANY THANKS!

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