Saturday, January 7, 2012

Conservatives: Do you feel that "rule of law" is an inherently conservative value?

...Liberals are going to hate the day when the Hispanics realize how far off from their beliefs Liberals wife is a legal immigrant from Colombia, it cost us quit a bit of money and time to get her stuff done...her and all the other legal Hispanics I know hate illegals, or Mujados as they call them, because they cause them to be looked upon in a bad light...I think the Dims and Barry will be shaking in their boots if the Republicans smarten up and run a Conservative Hispanic as Vice President...Hispanics out number the Blacks in the US...but Liberals will be crying foul and how racist Hispanics are by voting for one of their own...these Illegal Rights groups are only for Mexican, other Hispanics see it and hate them...

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