Saturday, December 31, 2011

How often should i feed my betta?

Bettas get very obese so watch the amount and vary the type of food. Freeze dried foods are the best. Variety is the secret. Make sure all is eaten in two minutes. Use small snails as betta bowl cleaners, bettas also like to eat them. Yes bettas love to lounge in plants and they live usually in slow moving stagnant water in the wild. The bettas we keep as pets are very fancy versions of the wild swamp ditch fish. Temperature should be near 80 degrees, no cold air above the water use gl or plastic if needed. Leave an air gap above the water. Be sure to always use exactly the same temperature water with the chlorine removed when doing water changes.

Why did my friend and his gf dream about me and the girl that I like?

It probably means 2 things. Either the fact that you like C is REALLY obvious or you to are meant to fall in love. Tada! I'm physic! Lol! Hope this helps ya out! Good luck and rock on!

Field hockey stick help!!?

i would just suggest getting a simple stx stick...they last a few years are cheap, and are super cute :) if these are not available to you them what you might get will be fine :) hope this helped! Brittany

What would you do in my place?

Go and see him. He will appreciate it more than you could ever imagine, and it will make you feel good to see him. Also, you could write him letters. You should go.

Would you wish for a world without dumb people?

If you are to think about it logically, we are in a chaotic world because there are a lot of people who exist having IQs lower than average. Just try to think (and I already did a lot of times now), they are really the main reason of every inhuman acts ever known in this world...

Was your baby breech at 28 weeks? and did he stay that way?

My daughter was sideways at about 36 weeks, but by the time I delivered, she had turned head down. Silly as it may sound, I used to put earphones on the lower part of my belly to encourage her to turn toward the music.

I need to know about Marx and Freud.?

How did the theories of Marx and Freud shape the world in which they lived? What is the long time legacy of both theorists? In what ways can you point to the continuing influence of their ideas in the world in which we live?

5 months pregnant, 22yrs, full-time job, lives with strict parents,1st baby, when should I move out or not??

I've live with my parents and I got pregnant! But My parents own the house that we live in, me in the top duplex with my snotty lil sis. They are at the bottom duplex. I never had the chance to actually make choices 4 myself, unlike my friends who moved out at age 18, but no i have a baby I dont want to be embred with filling out a questionaire if I may step out the house,ect. Although, my mom and father doesn't work, and they said they will be babysitters, I wanna move out 2 be a real adult. I understand I wont be receiving much from the father, and moving out or staying at home would have its bitter-sweet consequences, but Im unsure whats best. My plan was to wait 4 my baby to turn 1yrs, but in the meantime...SAVE and pay off credit card bills!!!

If in the anime of Naruto its on episode 115, I want to read the magna, where would I go?

Where is the equivalent of Naruto episode 115 in the manga? Should I read the manga or continue watching the anime? Which is better?

Should I lengthen my Golf clubs?

I am a skinny 6'2 with short arms. Wrist to floor is right under 38''. My concern is that I may need to change the lie also? Looking to purchase a used set of CG7's or X20's, but didn't know if I needed to find a set already longer or not. Appreciate any help I can get.

Anyone else find the 'first time /long time homebuyer credit' unfair?

I can't understand why long term homeowners IF they lived in their home for at least five years out of the last 8, then sold it (They might have even earned a huge profit.. who knows?) can get the new credit, but those of us who struggled to keep our mortgages paid don't qualify for anything! We bought our first home a few years back after saving for many years. We have a mortgage and through all that time and struggle, we have sacrificed enough to be one of the fortunate few to have never be late. Where is OUR reward for keeping our home out of the mortgage/foreclosure mess? What bothers me is, we could have sold our home for a huge profit, since we saved so long to buy it and have paid so much on it already. Used some of the money for a downpayment on another place, pocketed the rest of the profit, and viola, we'd have gotten up to an extra $8000 back on our taxes. But because we chose to stay fast to our first choice, stuck through the downs as well as the ups, we get nothing. =( I wonder if next year they'll rethink this decision and let those of us who bought our home anytime after 2000, and are still holding fast to that first mortgage dream house, get a few credits too.

Okay, i kno a girl who is insecure about herself and thinks she is ugly.?

God made her perfectly. His fingerprints are all over her - she might not look like the magazine, but the only one who doesn't see her beauty is the face in the mirror looking back at her.

If you knew a set of twins with different personalities, would you treat them differently or the same?

Both twins are not identical twins and even if they are.. each child is unique.. so each child has to be treated differently.. none of them should ever be given preference.. of course if one of them is sick..then that child will take priority. as his or her health is in danger but otherwise.. just because they are twins they have each their individual personalities and that should be respected by everyone and otherwise they should be given an equal amount of attention...xx

My friend is rude, how do I tell her to stop?

I don't think she is nice at all. I think you should just stop being her friend, because she is benig very abusive with you. I don't know why you want to keep being her friend. Of course have a talk with her, but tell her that if she doesn't stop abusing you, you will not be her friend anymore and you will cut the friendship and never speak to her again. I am very sorry, but it is what she deserves. She is a pain in the to begin with. If she doesn't have any other friends it is because of the way that she is. You better see a counselor or talk to an adult or to your parents about the situation before it gets worse. Because before you get to know it, she'll become domeneering and that is worse. She is not nice at all. Don't hang out with her anymore, she is not worth it. She is very selfish and you don't need friends like that. Drop her, she is garbage.

I am a janitor and would like to know where i can get info on cleaning a room contaminated with scabies?

like what kind of chemicals to use and who should clean it, me or medical staff. the place i work at is a residential holding facility for illegal immagrants.the medical department is ran by dhs, department of homeland security

Do you think laws should change about drivers stopping for pedestrians?

drivers should stop until pedestrians have completely cross the Street or should they only have to wait until they past your lane.

How can Jesus be the Messiah if he didn't fulfill all the prophecies?

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Whats a good name for a night club theme sweet 16?

my sweet 16 is coming up and i was wondering whats a good name for a club that will be named after me my nic name is cat and i love the word(s) inferno and pyro if that helps any with coming up with a name

What should followers of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) do to fix our misunderstood public image from intolerance?

Well if you are a devout follower of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism),and you live in a community or do not meet intolerant people very often,life is easy,you make spiritual progress,and you don't have to go through intolerance.But sadly,in the Western world,intolerance against Hindus is not inflicted apon the learned ones,but the vulnerable kids who attend public schools,they have no clue how to defend their faith,and they are terrorized.In 8th grade,two Punjabi Sikh boys (very angry about the Indian government's action in 1984) and a Christian boy terrorized me for 6 months.Saying all kinds of disgusting,putrid things about my faith.They wouldn't listen to my explanations.But for me its okay,I don't have it that bad,in California,a controversial school text book was released, and in that text book,evangalical views were depicted about Hinduism,all the facts were false.Knowing for our faith is great is okay,but what about the misunderstood public image?It has to be dealt with at some point.

Church admin. is preaching propaganda to teens- what to do?

try teaching the teenagers to think for them selves. if it feels right believe it, if it does not question it. To many people try to brain wash teenagers into believing. and to many try scare mongering people into blithe

Are you in the matrix?

What if I told you, that your whole life has been a lie? And that everything you thought to be true has been munipulated & twisted. From the beginning of time, our perception has been altered. From the time of Adam & Eve. God said he created all things & all he had created was good. The earth was meant to be a pardise. But that peace & rest was disturbed. And the world as we know it has emerged. We are in slaved by knowledge. The more we seek to know, the more damage we cause ourselves. The more we study, the less perfect things become. How did drinking to be merry, turn into alcoholism? How did a act of love making, turn into ? What about hymns to praise God, now it is ually explicit lyrics. Art has become . All these things God created as good & through the human quest for knowledge we have corrupted. We have been trick to believe the world is how we see it. Put aside the worldly things. Seek the One. Escape the matrix. Now you must choose the red or the blue pill.

Are there any fun games for Mac computers?

I have a macintosh and i was wondering if there are any fun games like roller coaster tycoon that i can download for free.

What type of connotation does the word "Feminism" have?

Positive? Negative? Honestly, the first image I get is usually of an angry "man-hating" woman. I know that a lot of people say these are just the extremist but I don't think I would want to call myself a feminist. I think it was great in the past when women didn't have rights but today everything seems pretty equal to me. Whats the point of it today?

What is the domain for this URLL!!!!!!!?

The domain name is The part is called a top-level domain. Within that, bbc is a domain, and news can be either a subdomain or a host within the the domain.

When Someone Has Liver Failure, What Is the Thing that Kills Them?

Obviously liver failure means death after a very short amount of time but what is the thing that most people die from when their liver is failing? In other words, what is the job that the liver is no longer doing that is the most damaging to the body? Is it ammonia build up in the blood stream? Is it the lack of bile to break down certain foods? Is it lack of hormone production? What is the most deadly aspect of liver failure?

What should I do? please don't judge me?

If you value your friendship with your friend, you need to stay as far as possible from her dad. I know you said you are close to the family, but limit your contact with the dad. He probably has an idea of your feelings for him, and an affair would ruin your friendship with your friend and her relationship with her father. Try meeting more with her away from her home and keep as far as your can from her dad.

How can I get rid of the pop-up debug?

The pop-up debug has been coming up for mos. This is most annoying,as it knocks me out of what i'm doing.Please help.

Anyone know any good lyrics/bands w/ good lyrics?

Preferably ones like Alkaline Trio w/peppy/poppy death, gore, and the like (aka not screamo stuff). Even if you don't know like that, feel free to post fav. lyrics w/ the artist who sings em!

Is it ok for a newborn (4day old baby) to sleep on his side?

my baby is just 4 days old. I noticed that he wouldn't sleep unless he is lying on his side. If I put him back on his back, he'll cry and won't stop unless he's lying on his side again. I worry about his back, will this affect his backbone or something when he grows up?

4 month old fussy baby?

Our son is super fussy for everyone who watches him, even grammy! we are working on socializing him, but now i am having to leave work Early because he DOES NOT stop crying! is there anything like calms forte for infants? Or something else that would help him to relax?

Transfusion definition?

Blood transfusion is the process of transferring blood or blood-based products from one person into the circulatory system of another.

What do you honestly think of this poem I wrote?

I sit…n I linger…linger for the day I'll rouse…not ever knowing…wanting to breath…wanting to live, feel, see….see what's in front of me. Not noticing what's further on of me….needing…wanting for more then what is absent….I obtain, bestow, distribute & speculate what will it convey? What will ensue…I know but with in the instant I seem to not care? I sense why? What's the motive? I conjecture we'll in no way truly know until it's the end….n all your thoughts n all of your dilemma will just fade away….forgot n mislaid… then what? What then we'll we be? What it may be…is what terrifies me….sometimes I think…do I want to identify it? Or would I rather live this wintry world of pit…This day n point…I do not know…but what I demonstrate is what I am….how I am…how I feel….I am valid….I don't know how to be anything else…but why is it that I don't feel well pable…why do I do the things I do….So various unreciprocated questions….I will remain n I will struggle….until the day comes…were I am gone….with what I necessitate…n what I am….till the day comes….I am…this….why….I disgust to marvel…That's just life….I regret so much….If I could go back I would…Each era I deliberate to myself…Alone…I try to envision how I would be today…if I had changed my imprudent conduct…then I open up my eyes…n see what is left…of this soul of mine….

Does it really matter?

i would be intrested in both. money can't buy love and if i fell in love with a guy like that i wouldnt care if he is rich or poor :]